I continuously find myself asking the same question,"How do people not see this for what it really is?" I think to myself,"Am I crazy? Am I the one who doesn't see?". But facts don't lie. And all facts lead to a titanic violation of the rights of the governed. Said Congressional Rep. Alcee Hastings (D);
"I wish that I had been there when Thomas Edison made the remark that I think applies here: “There ain’t no rules around here, we’re trying to accomplish something.” And therefore, when the deal goes down, all this talk about rules, we make them up as we go along."
This has been the MO of the Democrats since taking control of the Executive and Legislative branches of government. Obama will lie through his teeth to get you to believe anything while he makes up the rules as he goes. For instance, just 36 hours after the Bill was voted through, Barack signed it. Of course he PROMISED not to sign any major piece of legislation without allowing for the people to view it for FIVE DAYS after it is voted through Congress. He promised not to hire lobbyists, yet his administration is riddled with them. He promised not to allow any pork barrel projects or ear marks, yet the Stimulus Bill, Jobs Bill, and even this very Health Bill are loaded with Billions in pork. All while he unabashedly touts a "Victory" as he signs them into law. When the man speaks, he lies. He sais our insurance rates will go down, but even the CBO sais our rates will increase 10-13%. He sais we won't be forced into a govt program, yet it will be against the law not to have insurance or you'll be penalized up to $2000 per year. Every provision in this bill is designed to kill private insurance, leading to a government-run, single payer system. Examples are endless.
What's worse is the rest of the Democrats are following his lead. Take Bart Stupak for example. A Self-proclaimed pro-life democrat who said he and his 12 fellow pro-life dems would not vote for the bill if it contained government funding of abortions. No true pro-life individual who believed in God would ever be able to support that bill. Yet here we find ourselves with a monstrosity of a health care legislation, and Stupak with his tale between his legs having submitted to Obama's Chicago-style bullying. Stupak either lies about being pro-life, or he simply has no true set of principals.
Some people simply do not want to hear to see the reality of what they are faced with: A Trotsky-ite extreme progressive trying to bully through an agenda which the vast majority of Americans are vehemently opposed to. Look at the numbers. Pelosi's approval rating is at 11%. Reid, 8%. Obama finds his disapproval rating at a record high every new poll that comes out, with a new high today at 51%. Yet he continues to plug his ears, put the blinders over his eyes and move forward.
The media blindly supports this agenda, waging war against real people who are voicing their opposition to the bill. Mainstream media were just caught in a lie accusing Tea Party protesters of "violent speech" and racial slurs. One station even said a Tea Party goer spit on a black congressman. Video of the event clearly showed NONE of these accusations happened. Yet there they are, CNN, NBC, CBS, and shows like the Daily Show, and Bill Maher reporting these complete fabrications.
Fifty Nine percent of Americans opposed this Bill. Only 39% supported it. It's clear the Democrats completely Dilluded themselves into thinking they could turn this frog into a prince. With this bill the Democrats alone have broken health care, and now they own it. The only bipartisan part of this process was the opposition to it.
There is a big house cleaning coming in 2010 and, with any luck, in the White House in 2012.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
What decade is this?
I was working the other day at my hourly job, leisurely handing out samples of italian pasta, enjoying interactions with customers when I made a comment to one of my co-workers. I told him I thought it was funny that all the media outlets touted 2009 as the end of the Decade. They were saying 2010 was the start of the new decade when, in fact, 2011 is the start of the next decade. He immediately said, "your wrong, 2000 was the first year of the decade, so 2000-2009 was the first ten years." Thus started a lively, good-spirited debate on whether one counts 'zero' as a year. A customer overheard me and gave her input by saying to me ,"your wrong, he's right". She gave no argument for her position. She simply stated I was wrong, enjoyed a food sample and some free coffee, and continued her shopping. Well this got me wondering, "who is right? What decade are we in?"
Media outlets like the NY Times posted articles titled "Reflections on the First Decade of the 2000s", Business week titled an article, "Tumultuous first decade of 21st century comes to merciful end". Chicago Tribune "On to the next decade...", ABC News "End of the Decade", The Washington Post's Anne E. Kornblut wrote;
'It is my pleasure to push the button on this, the final White House pool
report of the decade.'
It doesn't take much searching to discover our calendar is the Gregorian Calendar. There is no year ZERO in the Gregorian Calendar. The year 1 A.D. is preceded by the year 1 B.C.E. Hence the decade would be years 1-10. The year 2000 was the tenth year of the final decade of the 2nd millenium. 2001 was actually the first year of the 3rd millenium. What are we going to do next year when we get to the actual end of the decade? Or will the Media, businesses, and Government continue to ignore this mathematical error?
Media outlets like the NY Times posted articles titled "Reflections on the First Decade of the 2000s", Business week titled an article, "Tumultuous first decade of 21st century comes to merciful end". Chicago Tribune "On to the next decade...", ABC News "End of the Decade", The Washington Post's Anne E. Kornblut wrote;
'It is my pleasure to push the button on this, the final White House pool
report of the decade.'
It doesn't take much searching to discover our calendar is the Gregorian Calendar. There is no year ZERO in the Gregorian Calendar. The year 1 A.D. is preceded by the year 1 B.C.E. Hence the decade would be years 1-10. The year 2000 was the tenth year of the final decade of the 2nd millenium. 2001 was actually the first year of the 3rd millenium. What are we going to do next year when we get to the actual end of the decade? Or will the Media, businesses, and Government continue to ignore this mathematical error?
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Put your money where your mouth is
"Our progress has been unmistakable," Obama said as the new year began. "We've disrupted terrorist financing, cutting off recruiting chains, inflicted major losses on al-Qaida's leadership, thwarted plots here in the United States and saved countless American Lives." This was part of Obama's response to the Christmas day airplane attack, which was thwarted by brave Americans on the airplane itself.
It's interesting to see our flailing President grasping for any bit of credit he can get at a time when his administration is swimming in blunders and missteps. This President's attempt at self-praise for handling what he "inherited" is much like a Pro football player celebrating his catch after a first down, even though he's dropped three passes, missed key blocks, and took a personal foul for the celebration. There is no sense to it. Personally, I don't want to hear what you claim you've done right. I want to hear that you understand we are at war. I want to hear you have a grasp of your job as Commander-in-Chief. It is your primary job to protect the people of this Country from "enemies foreign, and domestic". I don't want to hear lies like "the system worked". I want to hear that you understand Fort Hood was part of this war, and another failure on the part of your administration and your policies. Obama, show the American people you are serious about protecting us from the Terrorists who are not targeting you, but us instead.
It has been a full year and still Obama and his staff are blaming the bush administration for everything from 9/11 to the economy. Yet just 10 months into the Bush administration 9/11 happened. So if one was to apply the same Liberal political tactic, shouldn't the responsibility be put on Clinton? In fact it was the Clinton administration and their policies that hamstrung the CIA and our other intelligence-gathering agencies, allowing the first bombing of the World trade center, an attempted plane attack on the White House, the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen, and ultimately 9/11. Let's not forget about the Oklahoma city bombing either. Yet for the next 8 years it would be the Bush administration's policies that would keep us safe from attack.
Now Obama you are in office, and already we have had civilians killed at Fort hood, and now another airplane attack that almost took American lives, had it not been for an equipment failure and the bravery of its civilian passengers. How do you respond? You say, "yes we missed that block, and we fumbled that ball, and we dropped these passes, but hey we did catch this pass over here!" All I can really say to you is this; It is the play you fail to do your job that will most likely be the difference between a loss or a win.
It's interesting to see our flailing President grasping for any bit of credit he can get at a time when his administration is swimming in blunders and missteps. This President's attempt at self-praise for handling what he "inherited" is much like a Pro football player celebrating his catch after a first down, even though he's dropped three passes, missed key blocks, and took a personal foul for the celebration. There is no sense to it. Personally, I don't want to hear what you claim you've done right. I want to hear that you understand we are at war. I want to hear you have a grasp of your job as Commander-in-Chief. It is your primary job to protect the people of this Country from "enemies foreign, and domestic". I don't want to hear lies like "the system worked". I want to hear that you understand Fort Hood was part of this war, and another failure on the part of your administration and your policies. Obama, show the American people you are serious about protecting us from the Terrorists who are not targeting you, but us instead.
It has been a full year and still Obama and his staff are blaming the bush administration for everything from 9/11 to the economy. Yet just 10 months into the Bush administration 9/11 happened. So if one was to apply the same Liberal political tactic, shouldn't the responsibility be put on Clinton? In fact it was the Clinton administration and their policies that hamstrung the CIA and our other intelligence-gathering agencies, allowing the first bombing of the World trade center, an attempted plane attack on the White House, the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen, and ultimately 9/11. Let's not forget about the Oklahoma city bombing either. Yet for the next 8 years it would be the Bush administration's policies that would keep us safe from attack.
Now Obama you are in office, and already we have had civilians killed at Fort hood, and now another airplane attack that almost took American lives, had it not been for an equipment failure and the bravery of its civilian passengers. How do you respond? You say, "yes we missed that block, and we fumbled that ball, and we dropped these passes, but hey we did catch this pass over here!" All I can really say to you is this; It is the play you fail to do your job that will most likely be the difference between a loss or a win.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Real AstroTurf
Now, watch these videos and you tell me who is Astro turf.
HCAN (Health Care for America Now) organizers handing out signs to "sneak in" to town hall meetings.
As if it could get worse, listen to this HCAN representative instructing people how to keep opponents of Obamacare from being heard
The nerve of these people is unbelievable.
True opponents, genuine grass roots, concerned citizens are being accused by people like Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and the democrats of being "Astro turf, nazi's, racist, un-american", etc. It's completely despicable. Then they turn around and apply exactly these tactics by bringing in government-funded organizations to bolster opposition, promoting national socialist ideals, using race to promote division, and organizing, and preventing the people's voices from being heard. That, Democrats, is Astroturf, that is more Nazi-esque, that is more racist, that is Un-American.
HCAN (Health Care for America Now) organizers handing out signs to "sneak in" to town hall meetings.
As if it could get worse, listen to this HCAN representative instructing people how to keep opponents of Obamacare from being heard
The nerve of these people is unbelievable.
True opponents, genuine grass roots, concerned citizens are being accused by people like Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and the democrats of being "Astro turf, nazi's, racist, un-american", etc. It's completely despicable. Then they turn around and apply exactly these tactics by bringing in government-funded organizations to bolster opposition, promoting national socialist ideals, using race to promote division, and organizing, and preventing the people's voices from being heard. That, Democrats, is Astroturf, that is more Nazi-esque, that is more racist, that is Un-American.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Are you in or Out?
To Congress:
I believe in a balanced budget and therefore will vote for a freeze in government spending until that goal is realized.
I believe government should not increase the financial burden on its citizenry during difficult economic times therefore I will oppose all tax increases until our economy has rebounded.
I believe more than four decades of U.S. dependence on foreign oil is a travesty therefore I will support a plan that calls for immediately increasing usage of all domestic resources including nuclear energy, natural gas, and coal as necessary.
I believe in the sovereignty and security of our country and therefore will support measures to close our borders except for designated immigration points so we will know who is entering and why and I will vehemently oppose any measure giving another country, the United Nations, or any other entity, power over the U.S. citizens.
I believe the United States of America is the greatest country on earth and therefore will not apologize for policies or actions which have served to free more and feed more people around the world than any other nation on the planet.
Make these 5 pledges, and you will have the confidence of the American People in 2010. Act against these ideals, and you will be voted out.
These pledges are brought to you courtesy of Glenn Beck.
I believe in a balanced budget and therefore will vote for a freeze in government spending until that goal is realized.
I believe government should not increase the financial burden on its citizenry during difficult economic times therefore I will oppose all tax increases until our economy has rebounded.
I believe more than four decades of U.S. dependence on foreign oil is a travesty therefore I will support a plan that calls for immediately increasing usage of all domestic resources including nuclear energy, natural gas, and coal as necessary.
I believe in the sovereignty and security of our country and therefore will support measures to close our borders except for designated immigration points so we will know who is entering and why and I will vehemently oppose any measure giving another country, the United Nations, or any other entity, power over the U.S. citizens.
I believe the United States of America is the greatest country on earth and therefore will not apologize for policies or actions which have served to free more and feed more people around the world than any other nation on the planet.
Make these 5 pledges, and you will have the confidence of the American People in 2010. Act against these ideals, and you will be voted out.
These pledges are brought to you courtesy of Glenn Beck.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Was that a 7, or a 9?
A couple of numbers just to give some perspective.
1 million = 10 100,000's
1 billion = 1000 1 millions
1 trillion = 1 million 1 millions
One trillion seconds is equal to 32,000 years. My point is, it's a VERY large number, 1 trillion. This from the associated press,
To give you an idea of what we're talking about here, the government has no plan for reducing debt.....at all. There is no legislation in the works to reduce our national debt. The following graph comes from a former economist for the U.S. Treasury, Martin A. Sullivan. The graph demonstrates our future debt increases based on 3 different budget proposals from the White House, Senate, and the House.
Regardless what budget is passed, we are on an open highway towards mayhem. In order to keep up with this massive increase, Mr Sullivan claims one of the following things will happen,
Current Senate budget projections leave the 2010 debt at 60% of Gross Domestic Product, with a projected debt ratio of 120% in 2030. One hundred twenty percent. The heritage foundation has found,
1 million = 10 100,000's
1 billion = 1000 1 millions
1 trillion = 1 million 1 millions
One trillion seconds is equal to 32,000 years. My point is, it's a VERY large number, 1 trillion. This from the associated press,
The White House projected Tuesday a whopping 9.05-trillion-dollar US government budget deficit over the next 10 years, an increase of two trillion dollars from its previous estimate.An increase of 2 trillion dollars? This was something already known by outside groups. The White House was simply falling in line with original CBO, and other, outside estimates. But how does one simply miss 2 TRILLION dollars? There's another issue. This estimated deficit does not include the proposed Health Care Legislation. If HR 3200 is passed and enacted, expect this number to be higher, by $281 billion through 2019, and $1.2 TRILLION dollars through 2029. Furthermore, this estimate assumes the branches of government will not add any further entitlements or legislations. This assumes the government will not spend more than we currently are on the war on terror. As the Military is requesting more troops, and given the record spending increases in 2009, it is highly unlikely spending will not increase over the next.
To give you an idea of what we're talking about here, the government has no plan for reducing debt.....at all. There is no legislation in the works to reduce our national debt. The following graph comes from a former economist for the U.S. Treasury, Martin A. Sullivan. The graph demonstrates our future debt increases based on 3 different budget proposals from the White House, Senate, and the House.

Regardless what budget is passed, we are on an open highway towards mayhem. In order to keep up with this massive increase, Mr Sullivan claims one of the following things will happen,
(1) taxes increase significantly; (2) entitlements are cut significantly; (3) economic growth exceeds anyone's wildest hopes and saves the day; or (4) the debt ratio continues to skyrocket, threatening inflation and financial turmoil.If Obama continues his policy of taxing those making over $250,000, tax revenues will continue to plummet as they have in 2009, (i.e. Corporate tax revenues dropping 53%). His proposed tax increases of 1.4 trillion go toward new spending, not toward cutting the deficit. This is not a solution. Tax increases would have to be across the board, and they would be historical. Economists are simply not predicting record-breaking economic growth, though the federal government's budget and deficit estimates are hoping for it. But then, wasn't that the theme of the current administration's campaign, "Hope"? More than likely we are headed toward a record-breaking debt ratio.
Current Senate budget projections leave the 2010 debt at 60% of Gross Domestic Product, with a projected debt ratio of 120% in 2030. One hundred twenty percent. The heritage foundation has found,
The coming tsunami of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid costs are projected to push the federal public debt to 320 percent of GDP by 2050 and over 750 percent by 2083.
In 2010, if the senate wants to keep the debt ratio at 60% it would have to cut $380 billion from the budget, and every year after. What do you think the chances are this will happen? Martin A. Sullivan offers examples of cuts which would have to be made in order to achieve this;
These are all VERY drastic moves which a President, even one as bold as Obama, would never do. Then again, he has proven he is willing to cut our defenses, as he has already cut defense spending (the only area of the budget he has not increased spending), and canceled military defense programs.
What is this Federal Government getting at? The numbers involved here are staggering. We, as Americans, can NOT allow this to continue. We must take action. We cannot allow additional spending to be thrown into this pile. We cannot allow new entitlement programs to be enacted without sorting through this incredible wreck. It is the single most important issue facing us today. If we do not enact a plan now to reduce our debt, and lower our spending, Americans are going to find there country is in the hands of those who we are pressuring our debt today. We will find ourselves at the mercy of countries like our majority debt holder, China. We can not even consider adding a trillion dollar health bill to this budget before slowing and reversing this out-of-control slide.
(1) raise both the individual and corporate income taxes by 25 percent; (2) impose a broad-based 6 percent VAT; (3) cut defense spending by 55 percent; (4) cut Medicare spending by 90 percent; or (5) cut Social Security benefits by 60 percent.
What is this Federal Government getting at? The numbers involved here are staggering. We, as Americans, can NOT allow this to continue. We must take action. We cannot allow additional spending to be thrown into this pile. We cannot allow new entitlement programs to be enacted without sorting through this incredible wreck. It is the single most important issue facing us today. If we do not enact a plan now to reduce our debt, and lower our spending, Americans are going to find there country is in the hands of those who we are pressuring our debt today. We will find ourselves at the mercy of countries like our majority debt holder, China. We can not even consider adding a trillion dollar health bill to this budget before slowing and reversing this out-of-control slide.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Obama, once again, ingnoring the facts
It seems odd to me that today I saw the President conduct an "open" and "unstaged" town hall meeting in which he went unchallenged throughout the entire meeting. At one point he was seen winking at one of the questioners. What makes it odd is at town halls across America frustrated, even angry Americans are voicing their discontent about this proposed Government takeover of health care. Congressmen and Senators are facing angry, informed audiences at meetings all over America, yet today in New Hampshire the President was cracking jokes, swooning an audience that didn't seem to need much persuasion. In real town hall meetings the frustration is compounded by the fact we are not getting any substantial answers, even from our President. The Democrats rhetoric is old, and wrong.
Early in the meeting, the President addressed the claim of a "Death Panel" which would make life-death decisions regarding elderly and special needs patients. Obama said he would not "pull the plug on grandma because we decided that it's too expensive to let her live anymore". Then he went on to say he worked closely with Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) who wrote the amendment. Of course, Obama was not telling the truth. In a press release issued by Isakson's office tonight, the Senator responded saying,
The President continues to say that this bill will not add a single dollar to the ballooning deficit, which increased in the month of July by $181 Billion. But again he seems to have his facts wrong. According to the Congressional Budget Office, "enacting H.R. 3200 would result in a net increase in the federal budget deficit of $239 billion over the 2010-2019 period." How can the President say this bill will not add to the deficit when his very own CBO is projecting a deficit of hundreds of billions? In a study conducted by the Lewin group the deficit is much less, coming in at $55.6 billion. Still, a far cry from "not a single dollar...".
Obama likes to throw out the number 47 million, inferring that there are 47 million americans who want, but don't have, health insurance. The President in misleading you here as well. Yes the US Census Bureau cites that in 2007 there were 45.7 million uninsured people in the US. That figure, "counts anyone who went without health insurance during any part of the previous year as 'uninsured'". Which means if you went without coverage for even one day that year, you were included in the figure. According to Sally Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Center the figure also includes, "10.2 million illegal immigrants and about 14 million people who are eligible for public health care programs like Medicaid or [SCHIP] but have yet to enroll,". There are also another 10 million or so people living in households making over $75,000 a year, househoulds which could probably afford healthcare, but choose not to. So of the 47 million people Obama says are in need of health care, the actual number around 13 million. Thirteen million people who don't have healthcare due to financial, or other reasons.
So of almost 300 million americans, 52% of which oppose the bill, The president wants sweeping "reform" for 4% of the population? THAT, Mr. President, is Un-American. He wants to force a potential 84 million Americans, who already have health insurance, onto a government-run system, for 4%? According to Consumer Reports, 73% of americans are happy with their current health insurance. What Obama is trying to sell to America is completely Irrational. The facts do not support his claims. Logic dictates there no need for this bill. Facts show White House claims about the bill are false.
For almost every claim Obama makes, there is a statistic, a fact, a video, a document, or a witness who can tell you the opposite is true. This man has given America no reason to trust him. This bill is nothing but a move to establish another center of influence over us, by an already over-sized, overbearing federal government.
Early in the meeting, the President addressed the claim of a "Death Panel" which would make life-death decisions regarding elderly and special needs patients. Obama said he would not "pull the plug on grandma because we decided that it's too expensive to let her live anymore". Then he went on to say he worked closely with Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) who wrote the amendment. Of course, Obama was not telling the truth. In a press release issued by Isakson's office tonight, the Senator responded saying,
" I never consulted with the White House in this process and had no role whatsoever in the House Democrats’ bill. I categorically oppose the House bill and find it incredulous that the White House and others would use my amendment as a scapegoat for their misguided policies,”Isakson voted against the House bill, and did not support the provision drawn up, based on his earlier amendment which had been passed. The President is not neccesarily right about grandma either. He cannot guarantee the government wouldn't "pull the plug". According to HR 3200, the bill he is so fervently defending, There would be mandatory "Advanced care consultations" (mandatory every 5 years after age 75) which could be a contributing factor in "the formulation of an order regarding life sustaining treatment or a similar order." (page 430). Obama cannot guarantee orders would not be given to end life. Under certain circumstances this responsibility could end up in the hands of the Secretary.
furthermore, "My Senate amendment simply puts health care choices back in the hands of the individual and allows them to consider if they so choose a living will or durable power of attorney. The House provision is merely another ill-advised attempt at more government mandates, more government intrusion, and more government involvement in what should be an individual choice.”
The President continues to say that this bill will not add a single dollar to the ballooning deficit, which increased in the month of July by $181 Billion. But again he seems to have his facts wrong. According to the Congressional Budget Office, "enacting H.R. 3200 would result in a net increase in the federal budget deficit of $239 billion over the 2010-2019 period." How can the President say this bill will not add to the deficit when his very own CBO is projecting a deficit of hundreds of billions? In a study conducted by the Lewin group the deficit is much less, coming in at $55.6 billion. Still, a far cry from "not a single dollar...".
Obama likes to throw out the number 47 million, inferring that there are 47 million americans who want, but don't have, health insurance. The President in misleading you here as well. Yes the US Census Bureau cites that in 2007 there were 45.7 million uninsured people in the US. That figure, "counts anyone who went without health insurance during any part of the previous year as 'uninsured'". Which means if you went without coverage for even one day that year, you were included in the figure. According to Sally Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Center the figure also includes, "10.2 million illegal immigrants and about 14 million people who are eligible for public health care programs like Medicaid or [SCHIP] but have yet to enroll,". There are also another 10 million or so people living in households making over $75,000 a year, househoulds which could probably afford healthcare, but choose not to. So of the 47 million people Obama says are in need of health care, the actual number around 13 million. Thirteen million people who don't have healthcare due to financial, or other reasons.
So of almost 300 million americans, 52% of which oppose the bill, The president wants sweeping "reform" for 4% of the population? THAT, Mr. President, is Un-American. He wants to force a potential 84 million Americans, who already have health insurance, onto a government-run system, for 4%? According to Consumer Reports, 73% of americans are happy with their current health insurance. What Obama is trying to sell to America is completely Irrational. The facts do not support his claims. Logic dictates there no need for this bill. Facts show White House claims about the bill are false.
For almost every claim Obama makes, there is a statistic, a fact, a video, a document, or a witness who can tell you the opposite is true. This man has given America no reason to trust him. This bill is nothing but a move to establish another center of influence over us, by an already over-sized, overbearing federal government.
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