Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wisdom for a Nation: A mission Statement for America

You cannot bring about Prosperity by discouraging Thrift. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.

Abraham Lincoln

What more could one say? The policies and agenda of this administration act against the wisdoms of our country's first leaders, and founders. To deny these words of Abraham Lincoln, a man who made hard decisions, who acted for nothing but the freedom and prosperity of his country, is to lead this nation from Freedom and Liberty, to Tyranny.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Obama: The greatest Threat to America

Barack Obama despises America. He despises what this country represents. Every day he speaks, he leaves a trail of evidence to support the argument. Yesterday, Barack said he was not looking for Victory in Afghanistan. Then he cited the Japanese surrender to MacArthur inaccurately:

"I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur", he said.

Well, first of all, Hirohito did NOT come down to sign the surrender to MacArthur. The Emperor was allowed to remain on the Throne, and the Japanese allowed to maintain their traditions. Japan was represented by officials, and then General MacArthur simply presided over the ceremony. Shigemitsu signed in representation of the civil Government, while General Umezu signed for the Military. His lack of knowledge is appauling. What's odd is Obama would suggest this moment in American History was a bad time for our Nation's history. I suppose he forgot about the 2350 soldiers and civilians who were killed at Pearl Harbor.
We have 59,000 soldiers in Afghanistan currently. Do you think they want to hear their President does not want Victory? Does he blame us for the 2974 people killed in NY on 9/11? There are differences between Pearl Harbor, and the World Trade Center. Japan was a nation, a clear enemy. But the outcome is no less important. Victory must be achieved against this modern enemy. And our President, OUR representative to the rest of the world doesn't want to use the term. More fuel for our enemies.

Victory is defined as a successful ending of a struggle or contest. Who does NOT want Victory over the taliban and Al Qaeda? Apparently, U.S. President Barack Obama. Could anyone spare a spine for this man? Maybe a history book?

I leave you with a link to an AP article. It appears the charm of "change" is starting to slowly wear off. This article exposes some of Obama's lies in recent speaches. We cannot let this Health Bill pass.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Taking our health, insuring no wealth, and other concerns

To pass the Health Care Bill which now sits before congress, would fundamentally change America to a Socialist State. We will lose freedoms. A few points:

-This bill would, for the first time in America's history, allow for taxerpayer-funded abortions.

-This bill will force most Americans into a government-run program. If you refuse the program, you will have to pay a penalty to the IRS for not taking the insurance.

-This bill would raise the average top tax rate to 52%, which would put us above the top tax rates of many European countries.

- The congressional budget office estimates the program costing 1.3 Trillion dollars over the next ten years. Who knows what the cost will be beyond that time frame.

- Obama recently promised if this bill would add even 1 cent to deficit, he won't sign it. Just another lie from a man who has done nothing but lie since he was put on the ticket. All evidence shows this will add billions, if not trillions, to the deficit.

- Obama says his program is going to save us money, yet congress is considering raising $591 Billion in new taxes to curb the cost of the program, including a surtax of up to 5.4% on individuals making over $250,000, or houshoulds making more than $350,000.

- Businesses with payrolls over $250,000 will be forced to provide insurance for employess. If not, they will have to pay an 8% tax penalty. This will lead to lower wages, and fewer jobs.

- If this bill is passed, the government will take almost half (46.4%) of every dollar earned by small businesses.

- The politicians writing the bill, have written in an exemption for themselves. They will have a seperate program from the rest of america. What is their stake in it?

Regardless of what people think, this is the greatest healthcare system in the world. It has it's faults, but it is the best system which exists in the world today. We do not want to make the same mistakes European countries have made in socializing medicine. We do that, and we lose a significant piece of our freedom.

We, as citizens, cannot allow a man who has appointed 27 CZARS to continue to accrue power in the form of these outrageous, unconstitutional, and un-american bills. Call the blue dog democrats, call your local reps. Tell them to vote no on this atrocity.

Call Congress and tell them NO

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