I'm inspired. I'm inspired in a way a have not been before. Past and current sources of inspiration for me include my faith, my wife, my family, music has provided me with many an inspirational moment. All of these people and things continue to be a source of inspiration in my life. Never has my political views been such a big source of inspiration as it was yesterday at the state capital of New Jersey.
I was in Trenton at the State House with my wife most of mid-day on April 15th. We were joined by approximately 600 working citizens to protest the wreckless spending and the inevitable over-taxing by the Federal and State governments. I was inspired by every person I talked to, old and young, who had told me, "I've never done this before." Our organizer, Brian Kelly, had never organized a protest in his life. From the DJ, to the several dozen kids who were sitting on the steps of this government building holding signs saying "Stop spending my future.",
I am proud of ,and salute, every person who came out despite rainy weather in the low 40's.
Brian did a stellar job organizing what turned out to be an incredibly successful and peaceful protest. We started with the Pledge of Alliegence, followed by a moment of silence for our troops. I had the honor of singing our National Anthem, and throughout the day I would also sing "God Bless America", and "America the Beautiful".
We honored our troops and emergency personel. We honored our Veterans. We honored the Constitution, and Declaration of Independence by reading from both documents. We played an incredibly pertinent speech given by President Ronald Reagan during his campaign for presidency. We heard speeches given by average people, small business owners, house wives and mothers, and others who's simple message was "STOP. Stop spending, cut taxes for EVERYONE, and start working for the people instead of making the people work for you!"
For those who couldn't make it, it was a great day for America. For those who did make it, you are Patriots indeed. Personally, I hope this is simply the beginning.
Hey, Patrick and Catharine, thanks for posting pictures and all this great information. Good job going out there and making a stand. I'm very impressed and hopeful that this day is just the beginning of something huge in our country.