Monday, April 6, 2009

The state of things

"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." James Madison, The Federalist Papers. James Madison was responding to the concerns of a few who were not sure our Constitution would protect the people from tyranny. Well, the constitution is very clear about the limits of federal government, it's branches, and their respective roles. What the framers did not know was how the Judicial branch of govt would reinterpret the constitution, and reshape it's intent to see their will done. Thomas Paine in referring to the English' form of Governemnt said,"we...have been foolish enough to put the crown in possession of the key." The constitution of the United States of America was formed in order to prevent this. Yet since the days of FDR, the federal government has crept ever closer to possession of "the key". And now we are faced with the biggest threat to our Constitution yet in the form of the Obama Administration. Democrats control the legislative branch, the Supreme Court has proven time and again it is not capable of upholding the law of the Constitution, and we are faced with the policies of the most radical left-wing, godless President this country has ever elected to the office. And make no mistake, he has his sights on the key. How will he get it? By bending the letter of law to such an extent that HE and his administration make the rules. He has accumulated the power of the legislative branch in the form of a congress which has passed his budget. The Judicial branch has enabled this corruption of the law through rulings which have manipulated the Constitution. So here we find ourselves, a president aggressively grabbing at private industry, forcing banks to accept and keep government funds, setting salary limits of private industry which some have been forced to keep TARP funds, and an american people left to wonder what in the world is going on here? This is the very definition of Tyranny, a despotic excercise of power. We are well on our way folks.

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