Barack Obama has control of the Executive branch and a Legislative branch which is backing his extreme agenda. Montesquieu wrote, "When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person or body....there can be no liberty, because apprehensions may arise lest
the same monarch or senate should
execute them in a tyrannical manner." Isn't it possible that this is what we are facing right now?
Ladies and gentleman, is this the "change" people were looking for? Barack Obama has tripled the Federal Budget in his first 100 days in office. It will be quadrupled by the time he is out. His budget ultimately gives us a 9 TRILLION dollar deficit. To put it in terms you can see, look at this:

The graph here makes very clear the "change" we are in for with the Obama budget. What's interesting is the Whitehouse Budget's optomistic estimates for the budget deficit, versus the Congressional Budget Offices' more realistic budget deficit. To read the article that accompanied this graph, go here So I present to you the question: At which point do we start calling this precisely what it is, a tyranny?
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